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Computer Science

Current Project


For my senior research course, my partner and I will be researching if it is possible to predict song success. We currently have our proposal ready and are working on developing a model.

Proposal Document

Past Projects


The final project for the Operating systems course I took last spring was to write a research paper based on an article. I chose to focus on security issues.

PPT presentation

Research Paper


For my Software Engineering course last spring, my team and I created a product called Skreen. We decided on developing a movie rental system similar to others in the market. We were able to complete all documentation required and we only had a couple of complete pages on our website, with databases included as well.

PPT presentation

Software Design Doc

Meeting Logs


Project Plan

User Guide

Take a look at our deliverables


During my net centric course, I kept a blog to describe my projects, which was also part of my grade for the course.


You can visit the site here

Spark RDD

In this final project for the Big Data course, my partner and I analyzed two datasets using Spark's RDDs. 

Project Report

Project Code

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